Platonic Love

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature once hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, but has now moved to That Artsy Reader Girl! Each week, a new topic is put into place and bloggers share their top ten (or your own amount) accordingly.

Today’s blog title is inspired by my favourite SNUPER song. Consider it the soundtrack of this post. 😂 Platonic relationships are one of my favourites, especially in YA. Even when I end up not liking a book, sometimes the friendships within are some of the aspects I did like in the book. Here’s a list of some of my favourite platonic relationships. Quite short this week because of assignments.

The Great Library series – Khalila Seif, Morgan Hault and Glain Wathen

A.K.A one of my favourite trios in the world. These three girls come together after joining the library training programme. At first, they don’t appear to be close, especially since Morgan joins the programme later than the rest of them. But I loved how you can tell how much they love each other and how much they’re willing to go to protect them and the other postulants. They’re separated for a while during the series but when they’re reunited, they’re so cool and funny. They’re all polar opposites of each other but are so understanding and work so well.

The Great Library series – Jess Brightwell, Dario Santiago and Thomas Schreiber

Again, the other half of the Postulant 6. Originally, I was just going to put down Jess and Thomas because best friend goals right there. But then I remember how much I really enjoyed the chemistry between all three. Jess and Thomas hit it off very quickly in the series with Dario just trailing along because of his personality, he’s a really difficult person in the first book. But he’s a brat by nature but he slowly learns to undo his selfish upbringing and becomes so vital to the team. (Also, Khalila and Dario = best book ship)  But these three are so funny in comparison to the girls. Like the girls are all loving and become so supportive of each other, with the boys they’re really ridiculous at some points but I love them.

[I interrupt this post to remind you all to read the great library series by Rachel Caine. YOU WON’T REGRET IT.]

Harry Potter – Fred and George Weasley 

I have thought on J.K. Rowling at the moment but I can’t just miss one of the most iconic duos in literary history. Fred and George will remain one of the best characters in Harry Potter, hands down. They’re funny, ridiculous and outright strange with their practical jokes.

Girls of Paper and Fire – The Paper Girls

The strength of the paper girl is absolutely beautiful and amazing. All trained to become the king’s consort, they’re all pretty brilliant together and become really cool characters.

Want – Zhou, Arun, Lingyi, Victor and Iris 

Actual squad goals. Who else will help you hatch a plan to infiltrate an evil corporation that capitalises on the suffering and destruction of humanity? AMAZING. GROUP. DYNAMICS.

My ID is Gangnam Beauty – Mirae and the other students

Just Mirae finding new friends and learning to love herself and the people around her without being quick to judge makes Gangnam Beauty one of the best webtoons I’ve read. In both the drama and webtoon, Mirae learning to make friends after her surgery was really sweet and adorable.

What’s on your TTT this week? Leave me a link or let me know in the comments! 🤗

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