Review: A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch

Review: A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch

Rating: 4 out of 5.

*I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley in return for an honest review. This in no way affected my opinion of the book.*

Note: This review was written back in November 2023. I am currently working through my backlog of reviews that need to be written.

Not even twelve hours after defeating Astaroth the demon in battle, Calladia Cunnington finds herself helping the monster that went after her best friend as she discovers he no longer remembers who he is. And now the two of them are being chased by one of the worst demons in hell. Astaroth, desperate to recall his memories, doesn’t understand why Calladia hates him, and he can barely understand why she is even helping, but he knows something that could turn the tide in hell to protect its residents; he just needs to remember. The two set off on an unlikely road trip that will surprise them both.

I don’t know if I’m still on the high of playing Baldur’s Gate 3, but this book is definitely for the girlies who spent £50 on a game because they thought the immortal white-haired man was good-looking. (….)

A Demon’s Guide to Wooing a Witch is a silly, light-hearted read. (And I mean that in a loving way.) For the most part, this is a ridiculously entertaining book to read. We know from the previous book that Calladia and Astaroth both have apparent family issues, and it was hilarious to see them butt heads in this as they work together to regain Astaroth’s memories. I was hesitant about the romance simply because they moved quickly, but their chemistry was a lot of fun. However, Astaroth’s whole schtick of being a British demon with an apparent ‘posh accent’ got boring quickly – I don’t think the reader needed to be reminded so much that he’s speaking with received pronunciation. We are already told through his character building in the story. Again, this series is meant to be light-hearted and easy to read, which it was. There were bits I found a little awkward, but that is just my preference when it comes to romance, and readers who lean more into paranormal romance will definitely enjoy this sequel.

Overall, A Demon’s Guide was a good laugh, and sometimes you need just a simple book about a witch and demon overthrowing hell together. (Now, about that next one in the series about a succubus and a flower shop owner….)