Review: Bookshops & Bonedust

Review: Bookshops & Bonedust

Rating: 4 out of 5.

*I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley in return for an honest review. This in no way affected my opinion of the book.*

In this prequel to Legends & Lattes, young Viv’s journey with the mercenary company Rackam’s Raven is at a halt due to an injury, and she is forced to recuperate in the beach town of Murk. So far and so quiet from the life she’s always known that she worries if her company will ever return. But Murk isn’t as peaceful as it seems. Viv becomes acquainted with its local enforcement, a bookshop owner, and a baker. And while she might be far away from the battle, it appears that the action might not be far from the shores of Murk.

When I learnt the next in this series to be published was a prequel, I was almost disappointed. I was eager to see more of the future of the world that Baldree created in Legends & Latte. Still, after finishing Bookshop & Bonedust, I came to appreciate the decision of a prequel. Watching a younger, more tenacious Viv navigate her new life in Murk was a lot of fun! Again, despite her gruff nature, Viv can’t help but collect the most exciting group of friends possible. Viv isn’t a reader, or so she thinks when she becomes a budding bibliophile at the request of Fern, a rattkin bookseller who clearly does her job well. The story even shares excerpts from the book Viv is reading, which almost makes you sad that they aren’t fully published stories. As an appreciation for the books, Viv ends up helping Fern fix the dying bookstore to give it the new lease of life it sorely needs. In the same line as Legends, this quickly grows into another ragtag group of new and unexpected friends. Some readers might be disappointed as it can feel like a rehash of the first book. But Legends was much more low-key, while Bookshop leans more into the adventure and a lot more action than the first. Much higher stakes but still retains that cosy and mysterious vibe most readers of the first should be happy to see again here.

While a prequel, this can be read before or after Legends; you’ll either find the ending bittersweet, knowing Viv must leave these friends for her story to continue, or find yourself anticipating the next step in her journey. Regardless, Bookshop & Bonedust is a satisfying addition to a series that is growing to become a favourite of mine.